Sunday, February 26, 2012

Percolating Thoughts

He who finds a wife finds a good thing. (Proverbs 18:22a)

As we embark on this journey together, what better place to start than at the very beginning? Shanté and I met through our College and Career Life Group at church. At first, neither of us had any interest in anything more than friendship. (In fact, she and her sisters ignored me completely at first!) But over time, we became friends, and after many late nights drinking coffee at Tim Hortons, we became best friends.
Over the course of a summer, we fell in love. By November, we were dating. In February, I proposed. What followed was a whirlwind of wedding planning and a roller coaster ride of emotions as two lives – and two families – joined together. Through it all, we saw the hand of God in our lives.
What an amazing adventure it has been! From friends to best friends, newlyweds to parenthood, through hardship, sacrifice, and more blessings than I can count, our story continues to unfold. With each passing day, I find Proverbs 18:22 to be more and more true: I have found a wife, and I have found a good thing, and received favor from the Lord. There is no one I would rather spend the rest of my life with.
Marriage is about living life together. This will not just be a marriage blog, but a life blog. It is my desire that “Reflections of Unity” will both reflect the image of marriage that God laid out in his word, and that it will provide opportunities for reflection, to examine our marriages and make them stronger. Just as God called husband and wife to become one flesh, He wants us to be in unity with His will for our lives. He may not always lead you where you planned to go, but I promise you the results will be far better than you ever imagined.

~ Cameron

“Cameron seems like a great guy.  Too bad he’s such a geek!”  Those were the very first words I muttered to my older sisters about my future husband.  Unaware of the journey ahead, I found myself in a place of enjoying the single life-no one to answer to, no phone calls to be missed, no attachment to any one person.  I had no idea the one person who would change my life forever, was the one man I had just written off.  Wow, was I mistaken!
Don’t get me wrong, Cameron is a MAJOR geek, and proud to be! (Hence the reason, I have no hesitation in telling you so!) But what I was mistaken in had little to do with him.  It had everything to do with what God was doing in my life and in me.  The next several months were a giant whirlwind of events.  All of which cascaded into one pivotal moment-a conversation over a cup of coffee at Tim Horton’s.
I’ll never forget that night.  Over the course of the summer, Cameron had become, literally, my best friend.  We had so many similarities yet just as many differences.  But how could I love my best friend? He was like a brother to me. A brother that I had never had.  Yet somehow, some way, the Lord was merging our paths.  I could feel it.  I knew, on that fateful October night in Tim Horton’s, my world was about to change, and would never be the same again.  As we sat across from one another, staring into each other’s eyes, we both knew this was it.  This was the moment we had both been praying for.  We never did drink our coffee….
Here we are, married for 3 and half years.  Instead of conversations over coffee, we find ourselves handing off dirty diapers, chasing a beautiful toddler around our 2 bedroom apartment, and crashing into bed at a time we used to deem the “beginning” of the evening.  I say all this, not to give the illusion that life is not what I expected, but rather so you may know Cameron and I are just like you and your spouse.  We may not have similar backgrounds, marriages, or even family lives. However, we are all human.  We don’t have all the answers.  But we know the one who does!!! :-) I am so excited to be going on this voyage and explore this new territory of “blogging." All the while, having my best friend by my side, going with me!  And I am so thrilled that you have joined us on this journey as we examine, very candidly, the many aspects of marriage and the bumps along the road, in the light and direction of scripture found in God’s Holy Word.  I hope you’re just as excited as we are, because this is going to get crazy!
