Saturday, March 31, 2012

Through the Eyes of a Child

        I often wonder what my daughter sees when my husband and I have a disagreement.  Though she is only two years old, that little personality of hers is picking up on things he and I would never even think about.  And then it hits me: one day, she will have a husband.  One day, she will be in a very similar situation.  What reactions am I giving her that will go with her throughout her life? 
       It is often said, “We marry our parents!” It’s unbelievable the number of times I’ve heard this phrase! I can honestly say, with Cameron and me, it’s true.  There are things I do that I can just picture my mother-in-law doing. But Cameron would be the better judge on that fact.  My perspective is my husband. There are things Cameron does that send me back to my own childhood and I picture my dad.  From my father’s quirky sense of humor to his geeky love for sci-fi, and even his OCD leanings-all traits that my sweet dearest contains.  Not only do we marry our parents, but we become like them.  Ask any person who knows both my mom and me on a deep level, and they will tell you I am so much like her!  In fact, each one of my sisters and I contain certain characteristics and traits that our mother passed on to us-some of us more then others. :D So, if the old saying has any merit, what type of role-model are we truly being for our children?

To put this into perspective, I’ve begun to ask myself these simple questions. 
                         1.)    If I had a son, what type of wife do I desire for him to marry?
                               ~Do I want my future daughter-in-law speaking/treating my son the way I 
                                just spoke/treated his father?
                         2.)    What kind of wife am I showing my daughter its ok to be?

Don’t worry husbands.  It works just as well when you flip the coin over.

                         1.)    What type of husband do you desire your daughter to marry?
                               ~ Do you want your future son-in-law speaking/treating your daughter the
                                 way you just spoke/treated her mother?
                         2.)    What kind of husband are you showing your sons its ok to be?

        All these questions hold significant weight. And they are questions that each of us must answer within ourselves as we examine our own responses and actions towards our spouse.  We must not forget the innocent eyes that are watching us as we interact with our significant other.  Because as the Bible says….

Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6


Extra: I came across this adorable private video that a family created for their son's first birthday.  It is to the song "I want to Be Just Like You" by Phillips Craig and Dean. Enjoy! :D